Sr. Lucky Warbah – Principal College of Nursing

It is a momentous occasion and a matter of pride as the century old School of Nursing, Dr. H. Gordon Roberts Hospital, Shillong is finally being upgraded to a College of Nursing from the academic session 2022-2023 onwards.

From a humble beginning of a few students in its nascent stage, School of Nursing progressed to become one of the best nursing institutions in the whole of north-east India, with an intake capacity of 30 students academic term annually. Over the years, a steady stream of trained nurses (approximately 1117 from 1921-2021) passed out from this institution to give their services in various health institutions in the country and not a few of them, abroad.

The School of Nursing provided high quality education to the students and imbibed upon them professional proficiency as well as values. Thus, it is a matter of certainty that the same standard that are already in place would be followed up by the recently established College of Nursing. This include all the existing facilities like various Nursing Laboratories, Computer Laboratory, Nutrition Laboratory, Library, Recreation activities, etc., will be available to the students.

Also in place were the teaching faculty comprising of qualified and experience members who have obtained their degrees from various reputed nursing colleges of the country.

The College of Nursing is therefore prime and ready to give the best that it has to offer in terms of quality education, nursing services, and care giving. Our vision of professional, proficient, and value-based nursing practices would be our sacred watchword as we begin our landmark journey towards our future of dedicated services to the students and through them to the patients and the community.

I pray that God’s grace and guidance will continue to lead us in the future course of the institution.
